Saturday September 28, we had the Early Bird Drawing. We are pleased to report we increased sales over last years’ Early Bird. Sales were up 10.5% and books per member increased By 15%. Thank you to all the Councils that have stepped up to grow the Charitable funds for those in need both at the State and local levels.
I would like to recognize 64 Councils who have already achieved 1 book per member and are placed in the State Deputies Trophy Club. Councils are listed here Congratulations and THANK YOU.
An additional 56 Councils have hit the 1st level of bonus 1 book for ½ their membership. We are in reach of hitting 1 per book per member for the year but we need to give A strong push to close out strong.Councils to date have earned to date $37.073 in bonus money!!! I ask each Grand Knight with the assistance of their DD to see where they are to achieving Next bonus level. For councils that have not achieved bonus numbers yet how many books
do you need to sell to reach that target. As we move into November there are still opportunities for last minute events to
Move your numbers. We still have book if councils are running low.
The final drawing on December 7 will be streamed as we did last year so everyone can see real time.
I ask that any books that are going to be mailed after November 28 be sent directly to the Villa Roma my attention to ensure that books are received in time.
Ken Karchinski
Asst Director C&B